What is Initiative 71? We are not speaking of the slow moving film ’71 about a British soldier stuck in Belfast during 1971. Initiative 71 is Washington DC’s legal measure that approves (legally allows) for the possession of marijuana.
Specifically, Initiative 71 permits up to two ounces of marijuana in one’s personal possession. One can cultivate, or grow up to three marijuana plants. The website for the office of the mayor confirms the above information.
Initiative 71 also allows for some creative gifting in the District of Columbia. Initiative 71 allows transportation of up to two ounces in the District of Columbia. Initiative 71 allows for transfer of up to one ounce without remuneration. This is where an awesome service like Select Co-Op comes into play.

Select Co-op and other such services in the District, I simply use them as they are consistent and never disappoint with strains, legal can transport your cannabis to you anywhere in the city. Initiative 71 allows the “gifter” to pay for information, memberships, or a service fee. The delivery service delivers your supplies and no money is exchanged to comply with Initiative 71. This makes it extremely convenient if you are in Virginia or Maryland to quickly run into the city and grab your 420 supplies.
Why not run into one of those smoke chops with CBD signs in the window? To be clear Initiative 71 does not allow for storefront cannabis shops in no shape or form! One cannot sell cannabis for profit or possess more than two ounces at a time. A cannabis storefront is a setup waiting to be raided by the police. They have done so in the past and will continue to raid establishments ignoring the basic statutes of Initiative 71.
Another factor for creating Initiative 71 was the fact that the District of Columbia was and is not ready to mandate the expenditure of funds to regulate the sale of cannabis in the city as reported by Ballotpedia. While the city slowly paves the way to establish city controlled and regulated dispensaries for recreational distribution Initiative 71 allows folks to enjoy recreational “gifting” of cannabis in the meantime. 420 with joy my friends!