Strain Reviews

Sled Dawg Strain Review

One has nothing to do with the other! However, when I hear Sled Dawg I think of the horrible movie Snow Dogs starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. I don’t know how I feel about this strain’s name.  It is not its fault it makes me think of a horrible movie and a wild ass dude that stays in memes for grabbing pussy like Donald Trump.  Wow… This strain has my mind wandering as just demonstrated.

sled dawg art

This is an indica for sure! I asked my guys at Select for night time relief and they recommended well. Sled Dawg is a cross between White Dawg and Cherry Mountain. Dawg and Mountain… I can see naming it Sled Dawg; that is clever. It is also said the trichomes are so white it’s like snow. My strain had some frost, but it was not looking iced out or anything. Sled Dawg can get up to 25% THC levels.

Sled Dawg has an interesting contrast of flavors. At first you get hit with a super sweet berry flavor. The sweetness is intense like candy or sugar cane. The sweetness is balanced by a pungent piney flavor on the back end of the exhale. Like many sweet indicas the smoke brings on extreme dry mouth and munchies so prepare your snacks beforehand to not raid the fridge. The initial effects offer euphoria and a social ease to be giddy. Slowly the body descends into a relaxed enjoyable sedation. 

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