Welcome back 4:20 enthusiasts. We took a break for a couple of weeks. Thus, we are enthused and excited to be back for another edition of cannabis culinary curation combinations. Simply put, these are our weed mixing recommendations. Some folks call doing this making a cannabis salad, hence why we are getting so verbose and boogi with our title. We usually call mixing weed…nothing because we do it all the time! Usually, we offer sativa/daytime and evening/indica recommendations. Memorial Day is a day away.

What strains are good for morning cannabis culinary curations?
It is officially summertime, so we are going solely with sativa strains to enjoy the energy of summer fun. We will have two sativa bases for our Cannabis Culinary Curation. Jamaican will be our sativa base for wake and bake and/or early day partaking. Durban Gold 99 will be our base for afternoon sativa pick me-ups and/or evening social time.
Let’s begin by mixing some Jamaican with some Guava Gas. Jamaican is a 100% sativa landrace strain. Landrace means there is no mixing; this strain is a naturally growing strain no one crossed to grow. Jamaican taste like old-school danky skunk balanced by some slight fruity flavors. Jamaican strain will have the body and mind energized to get up and conquer the world. Mixing this strain with Guava Gas adds a light, creative, and giggly energy to the Jamaican effects. The sweet tropical flavors and diesel taste of Guava Gas enhance the skunk flavor of Jamaican.
Staying with Jamaican as our base for early day use, we suggest mixing this strain with Damn Sour. Damn Sour hails from the royal parents of Sour Diesel and Sativa Afghani Genetic Equilibrium (S.A.G.E.). Damn Sour is a potent wake and bake strain on its own. Mixing these two strains serves a two-fold purpose complimenting each other. Jamaican boosts the sativa and wake and bake energy of Damn Sour. Jamaican also chases the harsh chemical/diesel flavor of Damn Sour with elements of tropical fruits and skunk.
What strain is good for an afternoon cannabis culinary curation?
Now let’s move into the mid-afternoon cannabis culinary curation. Durban Gold 99 will be our base strain for these endeavors. Durban Gold 99 is the product of crossing Durban Poison, Acapulco Gold, and Cinderella 99. Durban Gold 99 tastes of tropical fruits, sweet berries, and a subtle piney diesel flavor. For our mid-afternoon vibes we suggest mixing this strain with Cherry Haze.
The flavors of these strains combine for a decadent flavor profile. The flavor of sweet berries, vanilla, and an intense grape/purple flavor of Cherry Haze is accentuated by tropical fruits and a smooth diesel presence on the back end of the toke. I just like smoking this for the flavors. Cherry Haze adds a slightly hazy and heady effect to the energizing aspects of Durban Gold 99. There will be slight relaxing properties present that do not slow one down nor place any heaviness on the body. Enjoy my 4:20 enthusiasts and check out our post about strain review for more information for your next cannabis culinary curation!