First things first, the weed you buy should just smack you in the face with its aroma. The type of weed that when it’s in your pocket everybody in the room is sniffing around trying to identify the person who smells so lovely. You know, what they call” Loud” because it just screams I have weed on me.
Bad weed just looks and smells bad. The way weed smells is, like, a 95% accurate indicator of how well it’s going to be.
The next thing I look for is if it has seeds and stems. When you find a bunch of seeds in your bag that means the breeder left it next to a male plant and he spread his lovely pollen balls all over that pretty little female. Basically, saying they took no care in raising the crop.
Another good sign is the size of the nugs. Ideally, we want big fat buds all the time but occasionally you’ll get the popcorn buds. I don’t mind a few popcorn nugs here and there but if my whole bag is like that then it’s a no buy for this guy!
If you’re a true smoker like me, I feel it’s almost obvious just by looking at it. Some people judge good weed by the THC levels. This may work for the average smoker but at this stage in my smoking life I can’t even tell the difference anymore. Anything usually, In the 20% range is going to get you very high. I just know my preferences, I stick to my Sativa.