

"When my grinder is stuck and I have to pry it open there is a 50/50 chance that I am going to toss flowers all over the counter. That is when I am mindful.."

I have had the same grinder for flowers for about four years now. It is a stainless steel contraption of four parts. When I first got it naturally it worked like a breeze. It is still effective and efficient; save for the times I have to chip away the buildup of ground flowers that will cause the grinder to not rotate (stick) and I have to pry it open.

When my grinder is stuck and I have to pry it open there is a 50/50 chance that I am going to toss flowers all over the counter. That is when I am mindful to do it over the counter. There are times it ends up all over the floor. No worries if it’s on the hardwood floor. It’s not cool when it happens over carpet.

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I was looking at a few as I need to step my game up. My grinder still works, it just requires tedious maintenance. It is not like the cheap plastic one I previously used. I am working to forgive myself abusing the flowers by grinding them up in cheap plastic. I reduced it to me roach joint weed grinder before tossing that and the idea of smoking roach joints. For clarity, that is leaving a little in a joint and saving them. Then unrolling the four, five, ten smoked joints; cutting away the smoked and burnt bud then grinding up the rest of the uncharred flowers left in the joint.

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Anyway, back to grinders. I am looking at the RVOT GR8TR. I am not buying an electric grinder. That is a level of opulence and just laziness I can’t roll with. I am interested in how some of the newer designs of grinder make cleaning a much easier process. I also am not buying a grinder to keep on a table like a decorative ornament.


I like the interchangeable plate option on a few designs I am seeing. I see how that could be useful if I were to dab or want to use flowers for something other than rolling a joint. Right now I only need one plate size. I have never needed to have a medium ground flower for a joint.

The Kannastor series has me sold on the anti-residue and friction rings. That is my major gripe with my current grinder. It is a guessing game of how much flowers are too much to put in the chamber. Putting in too much results in it being stuck and/or almost impossible to rotate the disk to grind. I am not putting too much thought into this purchase. It’s a weed grinder. I’m going with a mid-level Kannastor GR8TR. I’ll let you know the results.